
Mercator Medical S.A. member of the Council of Polish Global Entrepreneurs

We are proud to announce that on November 23, the Council of Polish Global Entrepreneurs was inaugurated, joined by Mer…

We are proud to announce that on November 23, the Council of Polish Global Entrepreneurs was inaugurated, joined by Mercator Medical S.A., and Wiesław Żyznowski became a Member of the RPPG Main Council.
Rada Polskich Przedsiębiorców Globalnych is an association of employers established on June 1, 2023 by a group of Polish enterprises with the greatest experience and success in the field of foreign expansion.
The strategic goal of the Council is to take care of Polish economic interests through development on many foreign markets. The organization emphasizes foreign expansion, supporting companies that aspire to the global market and building a good image of Poland and the Polish economy in the world.
More about the Council and how it operates is available at: https://rppg.pl
#MercatorMedical #RPPG #EconomicDevelopment #expansion #GlobalMarket #PolishCompany


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